It is important to remember that GB law essays require an author to solve legal issues of a certain type. Quite often, this task seems to be impossible to implement without expert help provided by writers from the United Kingdom. That is why our UK essay writing company works to make our clients confident in our services. Take your time and check out our essay samples at written by experts from Great Britain.
Miranda Rights
Miranda rights are the official caution that is given by the police in the United States to unlawful suspects in police detention or in a detention situation before they are interrogated. The reason for the Miranda rights is to make sure that the accused is responsive of, and reminded of these rights, which are under …
English Contract Law
These events describe the various contracts under the English law that have been developed and refined through court cases. Various case laws will be cited here-in so as to qualify a scenario as either an invitation to treat or an offer. An offer must constitute certainty whether it is unilateral or bilateral. Thus, both parties …
Police and Society
Police act according to the law and they have all the legal right to ensure law and order within a defined jurisdiction. They have all the legal empowerment in providing order through use of force that is legitimized. Society falls under police jurisdiction thus police are entitled to law enforcement among individuals and organizational groups …
Case Study
Following the amendment of the state laws, carrying a loaded gun is nolonger prohibited. Any citizen is now at liberty to carry the weapon in his or her car while travelling for their personal safety. The law makers arrived at this particular conclusion after discussing at length the ways in which the high level of …
The Hidden Contract
Contracts are agreements, or covenants involving two parties (Frederick 8), and the old contract adage still stands firm; never sign something before reading and understanding it fully; even if no one is it, please make sure you read and understand fully before signing anything. It is expected that the parties negotiate a contract’s terms, put …
How to Get a Gun
There is need to have strict laws for anyone who wants to get a gun. Anyone who has been convicted with a case related to crime or misuse of the gun, and then he should not be allowed to own a gun. In case somebody wants to own a gun, he should undergo a complete …
Medicinal Marijuana
Marijuana also known as cannabis has in literature held a representation as an illicit drug. Many countries have banned the use of marijuana and implied strict punishments and fines for people in possession of marijuana. However, the current trend is changing because there are many reports done recently that indicate that cannabis has some medicinal …
Marijuana and Stroke
There is a growing contention that marijuana can treat rain Injury or stroke. The emerging literature from medical researches indicates that the marijuana compound, cannabinoids has neuroprotective properties. The National Mental Health institute (NIMH) supports the argument by demonstrating that the cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinoids THC are potent anti-oxidants used for animals (Gonzalez, 2007). It …
Retroactive State Taxation
There has been significant controversy on the constitutionality of Retroactive state taxation. There have been uproars from various quarters on the violation of the retroactive action on taxes. The various bills which have been passed are viewed as violating the due process guarantees of the Fifth Amendment. The argument against the legislative retroactive action on …