There is a growing contention that marijuana can treat rain Injury or stroke. The emerging literature from medical researches indicates that the marijuana compound, cannabinoids has neuroprotective properties. The National Mental Health institute (NIMH) supports the argument by demonstrating that the cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinoids THC are potent anti-oxidants used for animals (Gonzalez, 2007). It is apparent that many Doctors currently are relying on anti-oxidants especially in protecting stroke as well as other forms of head trauma victims relatively from exposure to toxic reactive, molecules levels, named as “free radicals”. The so-called toxic reactive, components are produced from the brain when it falls short of blood supply (Matthew, 2005). Head injuries as well as strokes are the principal causes of excessive glutamate release that results often in irreversible brain cells damage. The medic professionals have a strong argument that marijuana at this level serves an extremely valuable role in countering the situation and forcing high pressure to pump blood in the required parts of the body (Moore et al, 2007).
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is generally a disease, which affects the central nervous system. MS exacerbations can be caused by literally abnormal immune activity causing inflammation as well as the destruction of myelin, which is the protective cover of nerve fibers (Richard, 2003). Marijuana in this case counters the complication through the treatment of disease symptoms disease that includes depression, muscle spasms, and incontinence urinary retention. Drs. Linda in the journal of alcohol and drugs reviews this argument from her researches conducted on patients with similar symptoms (Janet et al, 1999).
Cancer chemotherapy is known to cause nausea that irritates the patient. Many clinical researches existing in the field of medicine have suggested the use of marijuana compounds including cannabinoids for use in chemotherapy to prevent induced vomiting and nausea. There have been over 31 human clinical trials practiced to examine the contribution of cannabis in treating the condition, that is, nausea and vomiting (Gonzalez, 2007).
Among many other medical uses of marijuana, include Anti-Tumor Effects. Emerging researchers have indicated in their works that cannabinoids in a way helps in protecting against the development of particular types of tumors (Matthew, 2005). Most recently, researchers from Spain reported in Nature that synthetic THC injections eradicated successfully malignant brain tumors. This was a research conducted in rats with a future prospect of featuring the same in humans (Moore et al, 2007). The research also indicated that the rats experienced a prolonged life of at least six weeks. The researches claimed that from the cannabis-based treatment, it valued some prospects that marijuana could combat cancer (Hong-En Jiang et al, 2006).
There are many uses of marijuana in the medical field as outlined in this paper. There has been legitimization of some allowing them for practitioners use but others are pending further researches to verify the use. Even with the strict laws and policies of governance regarding this issue, there is a need for further studies and policies to help support any effort for using marijuana in medicinal grounds.