Miranda rights are the official caution that is given by the police in the United States to unlawful suspects in police detention or in a detention situation before they are interrogated. The reason for the Miranda rights is to make sure that the accused is responsive of, and reminded of these rights, which are under the United State constitution, and that the suspects know they can appeal to them during the interview. The police tell the person that is going to be interrogated of his or her right to remain silent, because anything he or she says might be used against him or her in the court of law. Then the police informs the latter of his or her right to get a lawyer, who would be present in the room during the interrogation free of charge, in case the suspect is indigent..
The Miranda rights prevent the interviewer from taking advantages of the interviewee. Here the interviewee has his or her lawyer, who is on his or her side. The latter knows the reasons why the interviewee is being interrogated; therefore, he or she will not let the interviewer ask irrelevant questions, which are not necessary in the interrogation. In this case the lawyer will be there to represent the interviewee, if he is asked questions, which he is unable to answer. The lawyer also assists the interviewee on what he is supposed to say. The Miranda rights help the interviewers to differentiate a true and a false denial in courts. Here the interviewers behave in a harsh way to the suspects so that they can get the right information from them. This is because they are well trained on how they are to twist questions on the suspects and know if one is guilty or not.
If the individual is under the age of 15 or he is older with no intellect, they have the right to hire a lawyer to present them. The interviewees do not have the ability to know and make use of the rights they have. The law has advanced the methods of getting waivers. The individuals being interviewed are told by their lawyers how they are supposed to behave and answer questions if asked. They are not to confess under what circumstance they are to behave in a way that they are sure of what they are saying. Miranda rights helps in neutralizing the divergent mental difficulty that the interviewee is in when dealing with the law enforcement.