The psychology of command is a branch of psychological theory which investigates people’s reactions, their ability to make vital decisions, leadership and readiness to act in the life-threatening situations. The psychologists try to analyze what changes usually happen in the human psyche during any disaster. In fact, the reaction in stressful situations may vary as all human-beings are individual ones; thus their nervous systems differ to a great extent. That is why one of the momentous tasks of the psychologists is to determine the commonest reactions which are inherent for all humans in the stressful situations. Moreover, the most vital issue of their investigation is the deep analysis of the decision making skills. Without doubt, the decision making skills is the significant component which helps to survive in the disaster. Recent researches have shown that blistering thinking and decision making are inherent for those people who have leadership skills. Basically, dynamic situations, life-threatening moments or any other kind of emergency require breakneck thinking. Thus, psychologists are eager to find out the behavior of leaders in the time-pressured situations.

The psychology of command is considered to be the important one because it analyses how people make decisions in the common situations and in stressful ones. Afterwards, psychologists deeply examine all possible mental mechanisms and psychical reactions which occur in this or that particular situation. Furthermore, they take into consideration the environment in which person is, time which is given to think over and make a necessary decision. Actually, the procedure of how decision appears in the human mind is the same for both situational frameworks. Nevertheless, time, surroundings, mental ability are core elements that influence the decision making process.

One more relevant issue is the fact how government treats this branch of psychology. It should be desperately mentioned that government totally supports the idea of scientific analysis of how people behave in stress situations. What is more, it relays on those psychologists because they teach people how to survive in a life-threatening situation. In fact, the government understood that it had made a tremendous mistake, because when a horrible Katrina disaster happened people were not totally psychologically ready for this disaster. They were uncontrolled, frighten and they did not have any rapid response teams which could calm them down. After this catastrophe, the government realized that people should be psychologically aware and ready to any stressful situation.

Therefore, the psychology of command is the vital branch of psychology which helps people to learn how to make serious decisions in emergency. Moreover, it enables people to understand how their mental system reacts during the moment of disaster.