Nowadays, UK students can easily access samples of Persuasive Speech essays online. It helps GB students understand the type of this essay and how to write it properly. When our writer from Great Britain works on this essay, they explain the topic and persuade us that their idea is the most optimal and logical. Read our samples of essays composed by professional experts from the United Kingdom.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King gave his last speech, “I’ve been to the mountaintop on third April, 1968. He gave this speech at the mason temple in Memphis, Tennessee. The day that followed Martin Luther king`s speech, he was assassinated. The speech does not contain a thesis statement. However, his speech has a certain focus. In his

Public Speech

Public speaking can be very beneficial both in personal and professional life. In personal life, public speaking helps an individual to develop courage, conquer his or her fears, and gain more confidence in his or her strengths. Moreover, speaking in public supports a person to learn the art of argumentation and persuasion that will also

Obama Speech

Obama’s inaugural speech could go in to the books of history as the best speech for the ages if he could meet his promises as he eloquently said them. In his inspirational inaugural speech, he called upon on all Americans to accept a new era of accountability and to work with selflessness and courage so

The Dangers of Online Dating

Introduction I. Nowadays, modern technologies are spreading at a great rate around the world. The services that provide communication are the most popular. Twenty five years ago people had no idea how to contact a person living on the other side of the globe in the most rapid, cheap and convenient way. However, do communication

A More Perfect Union

On 28th March 2008, senator Barrack Hussein Obama amicably addressed the United States population with one of the ever given greatest speeches. It was not only regarded as a wake-up call for the Americans but also the beginning of a new epoch. To effectively instill the content of “A More perfect Union” speech to intended

Weapon policies

Despite the fact that killing human beings is not rare nowadays, the world spends much time, money and effort on the invention of new weapons of mass destruction, and more and more men and women are willing to own guns. This tendency seems alarming, and the only possible way to stop it would be to

Obamas State of the Union Address

In his State of the Union speech, President Obama highlighted a grand plan to ‘win the future’. He urged renewed investment in the American education, infrastructure and technology, whereas at the same time advocating for a more efficient federal government together with a reduction of the deficit. Although the speech lacked specific policy proposals, he

Horatio’s Persuasive Monologue

I have always been the confidant and trusted friend of Hamlet. Our friendship was grounded on sincerity, trust and understanding. I have tried to keep my friend from making mistakes and getting into trouble, however, I was not able to deny him doing so. In spite of all the controversies in my actions, I was

The Global Warming

The earth is now warmer than it would have been due to an increase in greenhouse gases which to a great extent, is natural effect predominantly caused by water vapor in form of water droplets in the air, followed closely by, in diminishing order of significance, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and other minor greenhouse

Temperature of Globe

The data period have been extended to 1880 – 2008 from which an excel trend chart of CO2 against temperature anomaly is drawn. This reduces error that can occur when conclusion is drawn from one small piece of the puzzle or sample without viewing overall broader picture (Flannery, 2006). However, it is apparent that there is