Multicultural Organization

An organization that claims to be multicultural should effectively remain so.  Different cultures integrated in the corporate climate bring about diversity. Culture is a society’s or defined group’s assumptions and norms for how people interact with each other and approaches what they do. Each society develops a different set of assumptions and norms under which to operate, and different professions, functions, and even genders within a society or organization can have different cultures themselves. Thus, organizations need to be wary of the effects of culture clash and purposefully ensure a non-inflated culture recognition awareness as well as equitable dispensation to all employees.  Diversity is a competitive advantage. Different people approach similar problems in different ways (Colvin, 1999). This is in accordance with the multicultural studies and approach.

Based on the tenets of multiculturalism, the company should effectively review the case of the Aborigines. This is because the view held by Neville Santo could necessarily be the view of the other employees of his culture or even the general feeling of those employees who sympathize with their plight. The working environment could possibly be bullying Neville and demoralizing his efforts. Being a bright student and a person well recommended for the job, the buck does not lay with him. The management should effectively recognize Neville by making him a supervisor. This will offer him an opportunity to mingle with other employees and who knows; next he might participate in company teams. This is a worthy gamble which I feel should work out in the best for him and the rest of the company.

Human motivation comprises of three dominant needs. These are the need for achievement, affiliation and power. The ability to overcome difficulty and face feared heights coupled with the exemplary belief irrespective of the challenges of the task ahead underlines human perception of achievement. Soaring to unprecedented heights is the sole desire of all individuals. The desire to conform to group demands as well as associate  with people who have achieved much in their life indicate their affiliation to the class they subscribe to. The ability to control and outmaneuver their subjects indicates a source of power. This is effectively discussed by David McClelland in his theory of needs (1961)

Tony Hamilton is ambitious and well positioned to soar to great heights. He is unfazed by his abilities and not cowed by the names held by certain positions. His intelligence, capability and willingness to take risks underlie his most prized assets which he should patently hold on to. Despite being able to run the organization he works for, I would vehemently advice him to patiently wait for his opportunity which is bund to come and avoid being overridden by ego which seems to be the drive. Eventually, at the current position as a manger, he is acquiring the skill needed for a demanding position like that of the managing director.

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