Decision Making

The three executives seem to agree that one should involve others in decision making. One should respect other people’s opinion and allow for there to be a consensus of mind before a certain decision is made. They also agree on the fact that decision makers should not be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are always there and should be expected in any decision making. Instead of trying to avoid them, one should learn to live with them. Furthermore, the three executives agree that decision makers should not be risk avert. Risk is there to be taken and not to be avoided.

Although the three styles of decision making are remarkably much similar, they have some few differences. While Sorrell believes in the involvement of people with no agenda on the issue at hand in decision making, the rest seem to agree that everyone should be involved indecision making. While Randy believes in making a compromise on other people’s opinion provided they are well presented and thought out, the rest seem to believe that compromising is a mistake and should be avoided. Also, while Sorrell and Ann seem to emphasize on the importance of time in decision making, Randy does not seem to be so much concerned with time.

One can learn to involve others in decision making, to respect their opinions and appreciate any bias that might be there. The balance sheet approach by Randy would be a valuable tool in analyzing a condition before a decision is made. One can also learn to avoid being risk avert when making decisions .One should also appreciate the fact that mistakes do arise when making decisions. The only thing one can do is to learn how to live with mistakes. The approach by Ann of making people involved in strategic decision making is also an indispensable tool. Finally, one should learn to appreciate the importance of time in decision making. One should be quick to making strategic decisions rest the window of opportunity closes and the chances are lost (Laming 52).

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