Creating Public Awareness about Hazing

This research is aimed at creating public awareness about hazing that occurs in our learning institutions. Through the information that will be collected the interested parties will be in a position to judge for themselves if hazing is acceptable or not. Different people have varied opinions therefore the collected data will give chance to people to determine if hazing is morally acceptable or not. Through the conclusion and recommendations that will be drawn the necessary lesson will be learnt as the administrators look for the best way of handling the issue.

Hazing takes place in many different groups. It’s done in clubs, workplace, gangs, and military units as well as sport teams. In places like Canada and the United States hazing is a reflection of fraternities and sororities. These practices involve mental as well as physical degrading; for this reason this practice is illegal. The humiliating practices that can be done to new entrants include display on ones nudity or activities that are sexually oriented. Reports that have been filled indicated that hazing is very common in social settings. Many sport teams use this practice as the main means of orienting or welcoming new player. This is likely to happen when this person is very young than the rest of the team members. This is mostly seen in Greek organizations that practice demeaning activities and disgusting ceremonies as way of initiating new members (Delaney, 2008).

This practice is very humiliating and that is the reason it’s important to know if it’s morally right to practice hazing in our social clubs. Hazing is almost a normal incidence in North American schools and the challenge is that this practice has not been restricted to this region alone because its greatly and has already spread to other areas. This practice has different names basing on where it’s taking place. For instance Swedish students practice what they call nollningen and here all members of a given class are required to take part in the activity. This practice has gradually moved to a number of secondary schools. Hazing has been practiced in the armed forces for a very long time. The military and the police force impose punishment and acts of violence to new entrants as a way of welcoming them (Littlejohn, 1993).

This practice seems to have taken root in almost many aspects of life as far as career and education is concerned. Prisoners also engage in inmate hazing and in this case new prisoners are targeted by old prisoners. It’s important for the participants and the administrators to be sensitive when it comes to drawing a line between normal hazing which involves abusive action and rite passage which is basically meant for bonding. It’s quite difficult to separate the two and that is the reason why harmful practices get way in what they call rite of passage. Initially hazing was looked at as a harmless activity which was common among the young men. But things have greatly changed because what was looked at as harmless has tremendous affected people’s integrity and morals. What is clearly reflected out of this practice is a social issue or problem that is very complex. Power dynamics that come from whatever group is the force that keeps this trend and behavior (Nuwer, 2001).

The practices that new entrants are forced or willingly undertake reflect sexual violation as well as physical abuse. Therefore though the participants may be comfortable with whatever they are involved in this doesn’t go well with the society. Most of the times hazing at clubs and even the learning institution has been tapped and aired at our broadcast and what the society see from this is moral deficiency or degradation. The activities that are practiced in these teams greatly vary depending on the given group. One aspect that is common in all the hazing group is the consumption of alcohol. Other activities that can be done as a way of initiating a person to a new group include sleep deprivation, individual servitude as well as personal hygiene restrictions. Other times the new individuals are forced to wear humiliating clothes in public, other times they are subjected to physical beatings or forced to consume substances that are considered vile.

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