The Problem of Global Warming

Global warming is the continued mount on the typical temperature of the globe’s atmosphere and oceans. It is caused by the amplified concentrations of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere consequential from human actions such as deforestation and fiery of fossil fuels. Many atmospheric acts have immensely contributed to global warming. Pollution is one of the rampant effects that have substantially led to global warming. It has diverse implications on the environment and, the other hand, several impacts on the environment that significantly lead to the dehumanizing effects resulting into global warming. A close view on pollution will exhibit its contribution to global warming and the efforts that can be applied to ensure that it gets immensely reduced.

Pollution is the introduction into the surroundings of a material or a thing that has the ability of causing insecurity, harm or mess into the ecosystem. Pollution occurs through various forms such as water, air and soil. Pollution, especially in the air has greatly contributed to global warming. The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide in the air has led to depletion of Ozone layer. Pollution not only has the effects of hazarding the environment, but also poses a threat to life through deterioration of the health of the people affected.

Air pollution refers to discharge mainly from power plants and automobiles, which is mostly carbon dioxide. Most of the atmospheric pollutants affect air quality and health through compound pathways. For instance, nitrogen dioxide impacts on health unswervingly also contributes to the formation of the ozone layer. Frumkin affirms that ambient air pollutants contribute, to many other problems. Nitrogenous gases are examples of the gases that have down putting effects of forming acid rain. The combustion of fossil fuels generates greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane which have an immense effect of contributing to global warming. Burning of coal to produce electricity in many homes or the use of gasoline for cars is also responsible for global warming.

Water pollution is another rampant contributor of global warming. This takes forms such as the increased fertilizer and herbicides use. The water containing the chemicals penetrates through the earth’s crust and eventually into water bodies. According to Holden, the air craft emissions become deposited directly to the upper atmosphere. This has the consequence of global warming as the effluents become deposited in the atmosphere. This is an extent form, as opposed to the instance in which the emissions occurred in the earth’s crust. He concludes that air craft emissions are an extreme form of global warming.

Factors contributing to global warming

There are several non-living factors that lead to the problem of global warming. This entails climatic conditions such as humidity, temperature and salinity. Temperature greatly contributes to global warming. This is so because high temperatures in the earth’s crust are the substantial contributors of the warming. This makes temperature to qualify as a factor that leads to global warming. The global distribution of clouds leads to the increment in the earth’s temperature. Warmer temperatures raise evaporation of surface water and create more clouds. These extra clouds have the effect of increasing warming in the environment by absorbing and releasing heat in the atmosphere.

Atmospheric aerosols are among the biotic factors in contribution to global warming. Human beings are currently adding lump sum aerosols to the atmosphere all from agriculture and industrial actions. Although these aerosols are removed from the atmosphere after some time, they prior to their removal cause imbalance in the air. On the extreme end, the continued burning of fossils by people is significantly leading to global warming. The organic matter from past geologic eras and engine emissions continue re-injecting fossil carbon heritage into the earth’s crust. Carbon dioxide, for instance, is dumped into the atmosphere at a hastened rate than it can be withdrawn or riveted by oceans or living things in the biosphere.

Another factor that immensely contributes to global warming is the human land use. The continuous transformation of forests into agricultural land brings about devastating effects on the environment. This is accomplished as the deforestation substantially alters the way in which the earth’s crust reflects sunlight and the way of releasing heat.  These have the effect of tampering with the evaporation and rainfall patterns. Global warming may also be seen to access its way through changes in the agricultural land, from manual cultivations to application of capital and new technologies that emerge from the significantly changing world.

Positive or Negative Human Effects

Global warming has currently become a severe environmental issue that has diverse impacts on the human race, both economically and socially. The impacts on the varying temperatures are more devastating.  This occur through the  global ascension  in sea levels, intense, hot and cold days, mounted occurrences on famine and downpours, tropical storms and cyclones and the impacts on the deteriorating levels of human health and the demise of uncountable plant and animal classes.

Global warming has the effect of causing acidified waters in the oceans. This occurs after carbon dioxide is absorbed by water bodies, and this has even led to threatening aquatic life and interfering with the food chain of the oceanic living things. This, therefore, shows that the economic impacts of the climate change are catastrophic with very few benefits projected at all.

There is a projection of few benefits of global warming. Some people argue that continued global warming leads to a better land for agricultural purposes and leads to the land being temperate. Proponents argue that the increased carbon dioxide concentrations on the earth’s crust lead to increased overall global food production. This is so because carbon dioxide has a fertilizing impact on the intensification of plant life. The warmer climate means prolonged growing interlude and hence more productivity. Their argument is that, this combined with fewer frosts and more precipitation substantially benefits all the agricultural economic sectors and this increases significance to the forestry and the leisure sectors.

Evaluation of Current Sustainability Strategies and Solutions

The green house effect caused by accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth’s crust has brought down putting effects. Methane has caused enormous effects by greatly affecting the environmental stability. For this problem, carbon offset solutions have been advocated as a means of eradicating the unavoidable blow on the environment. The purchase of carbon offsets ensures a move towards becoming carbon unbiased (Harris, 2008). The carbon offsets permit one to be entirely liable to the benefits accrued in the attempt to fight global warming. This creates in the interested people the urge to know about the greenhouse effect, and then work towards its eradication.

If everybody becomes sensitized on the advantages of using sustainable energy, an immense move towards fighting with global warming could be realized. The emissions to the surrounding have been known over the years to pollute air, soil and water bodies.  If people deviate from the current energy sources to using sustainable sources in the homes, a friendly environment will be created that allows a good co-existence with the entire neighborhood, and an environment known by its health as diseases will be a history. This can be realized only if everybody embraced this move and work towards it as a personal decision.

Plan to Reach Sustainability

One of the sustainable plans towards curbing the problem of global warming is the use of alternative sources of energy, as opposed to sources that emit substantial gases into the atmosphere, ending up polluting the environment. Natural gases produce lesser amounts of greenhouse gases and should be used if at all an environmental friendly ecosystem has to be realized. Greenhouse gases should be stabilized to have a healthy living. Carbon dioxide as the dominant gas emitted by human activities should be eliminated. This will ensure that stabilization on the atmospheric concentration of the gas is achieved.

Benefits and Challenges of Using the Above Plan

Despite the fact that carbon offsets help reduce global warming; pressure has been mounted on international carbon markets to ascertain that the offsets help in curbing the problem. This, therefore, shows that all efforts to end these problems of global warming do not get a warm embrace by the governments. The carbon offsets permit requires high finances to be purchased (Harris, 2008). They have also been known to play an important role in multi-dimensional solution to slowing climate change. On the side of tax imposition, some people may end up devising ways of installing in genuine engines, and even defying from the payment of taxes.

Required Government, Societal, and Global Support

Government should be on the fore front to terminate the effects of global warming. A good measure of doing this is the imposition of tax on emissions to aim at correcting the negative externalities produced by burning fossil fuels. A carbon tax can work best at minimizing the negative externalities on market activities. Societal remedies encompass the move by people from using the chemical fertilizers to use of the natural manures like animal dung. This ensures that chemicals present in the fertilizers do not seep into the water bodies, and hence global warming goes to minimal levels.

Globally, all federal governments should embrace joint measures which have the aim of reducing global warming. The issue of tax imposition should be used in many countries, as many citizens will shun from burning fossil fuels, and move towards using environmental friendly gases. They should also advocate for using renewable and sustainable energies, which do not pollute the environment, and discouraging their citizens towards unstable land use observations and steady advancement to realize a green and sustainable future.

In conclusion, the challenges and harms of global warming have been felt in all areas across the globe. There is a need for mutual measures to correct the catastrophe. This calls for societal, government and even global players to view global warming as an international disaster that requires instant stop. Everybody should be responsible for the effects and this call for everybody’s involvement in the eradication of global warming, with most of it being caused through pollution especially in the air by the use of fossil fuels.

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