The Bahamas

Divers at the Bahamas have created and perfected shark diving. According to Jackson (2000). The Bahamas have perfected the art of shark diving at a number of distinct locations and with distinct locations and with different methods, all of which successfully create some of the exciting dive opportunities to be found anywhere (Jackson 46).

The centers for where diving takes place are, “around Nassau, on New Providence Island; off Grand Bahamas; and at tiny Walker’s Cay” (Jackson 46). All these sites are said to provide a thrilling experience to the divers.  The sharks commonly seen in these regions are the Blacktip reef, Caribbean Reef and Silky sharks. At times divers are lucky to see the rare species which include Lemon, bull, Blue and Great Hammerhead Sharks.  

It is reported that at the Nassau there are three main dives: shark wall, shark feed, and shark Buoy. Shark wall is, “an undersea drop-off where Caribbean Reef and Blacktip reef sharks cruise and can be observed as they patrol the edge of the reef” (Jackson 48). At this point there is no feeding allowed but just watching the sharks as they gather in gather and provide spectacular scenery.

Another place is the Shark Buoy which is an open ocean dive that attracts sharks. Divers are known to hang from the around the buoy which has crystal clear water and makes it very possible for the observation of the sharks below. The sharks observed here are mostly the Silky and Caribbean sharks. Occasionally the Blue shark also congregates at this point. It is reported that at the Shark wall, “the sharks seem oblivious to the divers’ presence and there is no apparent sense of threat” (Jackson 48).

The “shark feed” is said to be the most dramatic of all the dives. This is provided by Staurt Cove’s dive operation. The events which take place at this place are spectacular:

At a calm, shallow site on a nearby reef, divers kneel on the bottom as the feeder, protected by stainless steel mesh gloves, uses a short, barbless spear to feed chunks of fish to the Caribbean reef sharks. The sharks, usually 2-3m (6.5-10ft) in length, are bulky and strong, with smooth grey skins and dark tips to their fins. The divers find themselves very close to the sharks, which are interested in the food but non aggressive towards the divers (Jackson 49).

Shark diving is not a new experience and a number of people have engaged in it all their lives. Some of the notable examples as covered by Jackson (2008) are:

Ann Storrie: an animal technologist who started diving in 1982. She is deeply interested in under water photography.

Alan Mountain: a communication and development consultant who has been diving for over 35 years. it is reported that he has dived in many parts of the world.

Bruce and Judy Mann: they have been diving since 1992. Others include Chris and Monique Fallows; Sam Harwood; Stefania Lamberti; Paul Lees; and Mark & Charlotte Durham (Jackson 56).

Diving with sharks is an everyday experience. Unlike the common myths known to many people around the world, sharks are not as dangerous as they are depicted most of the times. Shark bites are rarely reported and there are rare cases of sharks attacking people. It is reported that these large animals are actually timid and often run away from divers. When they are being feed, the sharks have proved to be good animals and only bad when they are mishandled by the divers. Thus if no mishandling of the animals takes place then no attack will be expected from them. Dangerous sharks are only said to play the deep water seas. There are many places which offer spectacular sceneries of sharks watching. A popular and common destination is the Bahamas. The Bahamas offers spectacular scenery for shark divers. There are many known who have done shark diving all their lives. Shark diving is not dangerous but an activity which offers spectacular scenery which is unparalleled.

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