The Works of Jean Antoine Watteau and Francois Boucher

When we closely exermine the works of Jean Antoine Watteau, we notice that a ‘certain melanchony underscores the frivority of his works.’ These works were made during there reign of King Louis XV in the french history. The king inherited a French which was in its decline; hence mostt arts of the French Rococo symbolised a frivolous and melancholy ruler. There was a very literal connection between the King and the French Rococo art just as Louis XV and his wife were beheaded during the french revolution.

     The French people were diconteded with the leadership. They had a feeling of carelessness and dispare. When we go back to watteu, we see in his artistic work, L’Indifferent, a young man with a carefree expression and a grand  posture that appears foolish. 

     This work shows a typical usage of the Rotococo art:  profil perdu(translated to mean lost profile, a method used to reinforce love’s fleetingness ) and fete galante( a festival with women and men partiying in the landscapes). His work, Watteau’s Gersaint’s Signboard displays a politician is a state of boredom.
      If we examine the work of Francois Boucher, we notice a display of an attitude in his work: The toilet of Venice. This does not show any modesty, with a nude Venus using her landscape as toilet. Boucher’s The Odalisque cannot be left out which displays a cute young lady in a position which is too suggestive, ready for bed. All above examples show a melancholy underscore in a frivolous French Rococo era.   

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